
Smileys (also called emoticons) are a way of trying to convey the little emotional touches in your written communications on the Internet that you get from people's facial expressions in face-to-face conversations.


Your basic Smiley -- colon, dash, right paren


Winky -- semi-colon, dash, right paren


Alternate Winky -- single quote, dash, right paren


Frowny -- colon, dash, left paren


Down in the Mouth -- colon, dash, lowercase "c"


Happy -- colon, dash, right angle bracket


Winky & Happy, equivalent of a lewd remark -- semi-colon, dash, right angle bracket


Blah -- colon, dash, vertical line


Eeek -- left angle bracket, colon, dash, lowercase "o"


Kisses -- colon, dash, lowercase "x"


Wide-eyed Look -- number "8", dash, right paren


Bronx Cheer -- colon, dash, exclamation point


High Five -- shift and number "6", then number "5" (not really a smiley, but a quick way to add a note of excitement, just like a high five in the physical world)