"The computer revolutionhas put advanced photo manipulation and illustration tools, as wellas voluminous collections of prefabricated clip art, into the handsof anyone with the technology know-how to o">


Does the Right Software a Great Designer Make?


February 1998 

"The computer revolution has put advanced photo manipulation and illustration tools, as well as voluminous collections of prefabricated clip art, into the hands of anyone with the technology know-how to operate a mouse."[1] Educators should be aware of the power of the technology and its impact on students. Therefore, classroom teachers must have an understanding of design principles when developing visuals. In today's era of affordable technology even someone who can't draw a stick figure can create a professional-looking product.

Therefore, the question becomes "Does the right software a great designer make?" Considering instructional design principles, the answer to this question is a resounding "No." This article provides basic design principles and caveats for creating effective visuals. The term "visuals" means not only computer presentations but also overheads and handouts.

Using Visuals

When designing and developing a lesson using any medium, visuals should be used to: (1) clarify a point; (2) emphasize a point; (3) add variety; (4) change focus; (5) record main points; (6) enhance your professional image; and (7) mark the presentation as special.

Visuals can clarify a point by giving students a picture. Thus, the lesson addresses not only the auditory learner but also the visual learner. In the same manner, visuals can emphasize a point by highlighting that particular piece of information. Visuals in this respect become another means of "telling them what you are telling them."

Maintaining students' interest has always been important in the classroom. However, in this age of computer games and television watching, adding variety to a lesson may be the only way an instructor can get students interested at all. Sustaining interest is difficult when all students see or hear are words. The use of visuals can also help students to change focus. This application of visuals is particularly helpful if the material being presented is complex or difficult to follow. Further, visuals help students to record main points, again very useful when presenting complex or exacting materials.

Instructors should always be aware of their classroom image. Enhancing that professional image is an important byproduct of using well-designed visuals. It is extremely important that visuals be well designed, or the instructor's image may be hurt rather than helped. Finally, visuals mark a presentation as special. Visuals in a presentation say to students: this material is important, and the instructor cares enough about it to spend the time to develop aids to supplement the message.

A Few Caveats

Teachers should avoid visuals in developing a lesson when the visual distracts or detracts from the focus, is poor quality, is irrelevant, is only a time-filler, is outdated, does not suit the purpose of the lesson, or does not fit the audience. Visuals do not add anything positive when they distract or detract from the focus of the lesson. A visual that distracts is one that causes students to concentrate on the visual rather than the point it was meant to illustrate. Visuals that detract from the focus are ones that cloud the message rather than explain it.

Poor quality visuals also add nothing to a lesson. If students cannot understand the visual, they will spend time trying to figure out what the visual is rather than spend that time on processing the information the visual has supplemented. Irrelevant visuals also waste processing time; if the visual does not supplement, explain, or clarify the point being made, do not use it. Remember a picture is not always worth a thousand words.

Do not use visuals simply to fill time. "Bells and whistles" may do little to enhance the learning process. Outdated visuals diminish a lesson's value; anyone who sits in a lecture where the instructor uses dog-eared notes or yellowed overhead transparencies understands this precept. Outdated visuals send the message that the instructor does not care enough about the material or students to stay current.

Lastly, visuals that do not suit the purpose or fit the audience should be avoided. Those that do not suit the purpose of the lesson lose students' interest because they cannot figure out why the visual is included. Instructors who use visuals that do not fit the audience run the risk, at worst, of being offensive and, at best, of being ignored.

Basic Design Principles



Certain basic design principles are helpful when creating visuals for any medium: (1) keep the visual simple; (2) leave lots of white space; (3) keep the visual organized; (4) create a path for the eye; (5) make something dominant; and (6) divide the space in an interesting way.

Keep it simple is a reliable precept when designing for any medium. Distilling your message to its barest essentials is important. Think in terms of an outline. If the message on the visual is not presented in outline form, students will lose the point between looking and taking notes. Additionally, when an electronic presentation is being shown in the classroom, teachers tend to leave slides on the screen for too short a time. Resist the impulse to click the mouse button until students have finished taking notes.

Leave plenty of white (blank) space. Visuals, whether projected onto a screen from a computer or an overhead projector, are not well designed if they are simply pages of text. If students need pages of text, provide a reference. Visuals should be appealing and easily read; blank space used judiciously will enhance readability. Keep the visual organized. Again, think about an outline. Develop the visual so that the information the visual contains is easily followed. Visuals lose their effectiveness if students have to spend time figuring out what goes where. The visual should be the entity that brings the material together and provides the opportunity for an "ah ha!".

Create a path for the eye. Remember if your students are from western cultures, they have learned to read from left to right. When designing electronic presentations for less proficient readers, help them by building bullets from left to right. Recognize that if a visual is divided into quadrants, most readers read the upper left quadrant first and the lower right last. Therefore, do not place essential information in the lower right quadrant.[2] Make something in the visual dominant. Use color and a highlighting technique such as bolding so the main idea stands out. Use graphics like clip art or charts. These devices act as cues to students, so they do not waste time trying to figure out the message. Nevertheless, remember there can be too much of a good thing, so use these devices sparingly.

Divide the space in an interesting way. Students are easily turned off by visuals that consistently present information in the same way. Keeping in mind the idea of quadrants, vary from visual to visual the location of the text with the graphic. Just make certain that the graphic leads the eye to the text.

Design Hints

There are several design hints that will enable teachers to create effective visuals. These techniques, commonly called attention-getting devices, are effective in helping students maintain a reasonable level of attention and interest in the material. They include:

  • Using a headline;
  • Presenting one idea;
  • Beginning with a large first letter;
  • Checking carefully for errors; and
  • Using a framing device.

Using a headline will draw the student's attention to the topic of that visual. A headline mentally prepares the student for what follows and serves to reinforce the main idea. Presenting only one idea per visual also is critical. Following this principle helps to focus the reader and to avoid any distraction. Beginning with a large first letter attracts attention and helps students concentrate on the material. Errors detract from the visual's effectiveness and lessen the presenter's credibility; checking carefully for errors is essential. Using a framing device to distinguish a line of text or a graphic is effective. This technique is an excellent method for emphasizing text; it provides a visual display of information.


Color is effective for attracting and focusing attention. However, the more color is used, the less effective it will be, because attention is not always drawn to what is novel. The attention-getting effect of color can and should be used to focus on important information. Color should function as a redundant cue, not as an essential part of instruction.[3] Some colors, especially yellow and green, are easier to perceive than others. Red and blue are the most difficult colors to perceive. Also be aware that colorblind students cannot perceive either green or red.

The use of color should be consistent with common usages in our society. Green signifies growth and movement; it is appropriately used when discussing fiscal growth. Blue conveys calm. It is extremely useful when students are hostile to the information being presented or when their attention span is limited. Red, although snappy and peppy, can bleed, especially when used with a green background. If the color does bleed, students will have difficulty reading the text and find themselves concentrating on the variations in the color rather than on the speaker's message. Yellow serves to highlight; it is best used when the teacher wants students to pay particular attention to a point.


The appearance of text has a message of its own. Fleming and Levie wrote that "text, like pictures, diagrams, or charts, communicates a great deal of information by its appearance on the page or screen that is independent from the information conveyed in its words."[4] The look of text impacts on learning as much as the message.[5]

Therefore, the text of your visuals is critical to their effectiveness. Distill the message to its absolute essence. Use telegraphic style when composing and remember to be aware of the "Rule of Sixes or Sevens." This principle means using no more than six lines of text with no more than six words per line or seven lines of text with no more than seven words per line. A good suggestion is to begin each line with a verb followed by either an adjective or a noun. Each line of text should be parallel with the other lines on that visual; i.e., begin with the same part of speech.

Students must be able to see the information clearly. To ensure readability use a point size of at least 30. Be sure that the typeface is easy to read. There has been considerable debate over the use of serif vs. sans serif fonts. Current literature supports font faces from each category as long as they are easy to read.

Design experts show a slight preference for serif fonts; however, any simple serif or sans serif font can be used. Teachers should avoid condensed fonts. Both upper- and lower-case letters should be used. Text composed of all upper-case letters is more difficult to read than normal text, which is primarily lower-case. Also remember that italics should not be used for emphasis; it also makes text more difficult to read.

Now It's Your Turn

The principles outlined in this article incorporate basic instructional design strategies for creating visuals. While the right software may not a great designer make, neither do these principles. However, by following these precepts, a teacher with a minimum of creativity and drive who is a proficient computer user can produce professional-looking and educationally sound visuals.

Dr. Linda Szul is an Associate Professor in the Department of Office Systems and Business Education at the Eberly College of Business, Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Her educational background is in instructional design and technology. She teaches courses in communication and the use of technology, and has made presentations relative to the article's main ideas.
E-mail: lfszul@grove.iup.edu

Dr. Dawn E. Woodland is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Office Systems and Business Education at the Eberly College of Business, Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She studied instructional design and technology as part of her doctoral work. Woodland teaches courses in communication and technology applications, and has taught workshops regarding presentation software and the design of visuals.
E-mail: woodland@grove.iup.edu

1. Tascarella, P. (1996), "Computers Put Design Tools Into the Hands of the Common Client, Pittsburgh Business Times, December 30, 1996, p.12.
2. Szul, L. F. (1995), "The effect of color variations in screen text on the accuracy of proofreading from a video display terminal," unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.
3. Alessi, S.M., and Trollip, S. R. (1985), Computer-Based Instruction: Methods and Development, Englewood Cliffs, CO: Prentice-Hall.
4. Fleming, M., and Levie, W. H. (Eds.) (1993), Instructional Message Design: Principles from the Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (2nd ed.), Englewood Cliffs, CO: Educational Technology Publications, p. 105.
5. Woodland, D. E. (1995), "The effect of visualization ability and computer screen text design elements on achievement," unpublished doctoral dissertation, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ill.

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